Calgary Rifle & Pistol Club


Information, Updates, Accomplishments & Celebrations

Lynda Kiejko, Double Gold Medalist (25m Pistol, 10m Air Pistol)2015 Pan Am Games, Toronto, ON

Lynda Kiejko, Double Gold Medalist (25m Pistol, 10m Air Pistol)
2015 Pan Am Games, Toronto, ON


Fall 2020 Pistol League Resumes

Calgary Rifle and Pistol Club


Registration and organizational meeting:

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020
7:00 PM

As in previous league activities, the first meeting will have the members determine the type of shooting program. In the past we have shot all guns from air pistol to centre fire pistol. The group present will determine the following:

  1. Course of fire: number of shots and type of target

  2. Calibre

  3. Timing: number of targets

Winner to receive a Calgary Rifle and Pistol Club libations mug and the cheers of all the other competitors.

All pistol shooters welcome… REMINDER: a handicap system will be used so that all shooters, regardless of skill level, have equal chance to win the cup.

Remember: practice makes perfect.

Organizer: Bernie Harrison

NoticeCRPC Webmaster