Calgary Rifle & Pistol Club


Learn, Train, Compete

Friday Night Junior Program

CRPC Megalink Electronic Scoring, 2014

CRPC Megalink Electronic Scoring, 2014


Junior Program Notices

CRPC Junior Practice 2014

CRPC Junior Practice 2014

Program Information

  • The CRPC Junior Program welcomes both competitive and recreational members interested in either Air Rifle or Air Pistol.

  • One of our goals is to train athletes who wish to compete in the shooting sports on a Provincial, National, or an International level. Members of our program have, as Juniors, participated in ISSF Junior World Cups and Junior Olympics. More recently, one of our Junior Program graduates has represented Canada at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

  • Our Junior Program runs every Friday evening from September to May with the exception of holidays and competitions. Depending on demand, there will be two relays (groups), one starting at 6:30 pm and the other at 8:00 pm. We can accommodate a relay of 10 juniors at a time.

  • Participants may start on Sept. 6th, Nov. 7th, Jan. 5th or Mar. 7th.

  • Air Rifles, Air Pistols, pellets and targets are provided.

  • Junior Membership, which is $225 (see main page), is required to attend the program.

  • We generally accept youths who are at least 12 years of age based upon their strength, coordination and maturity. During regular club hours (Non-Junior Program nights) the age requirement is enforced.

  • We have both pistol and rifle coaches providing safety instruction as well as marksmanship.

  • Participants (parents) are required to provide a monitored email address so they may be notified of schedule changes.

  • Club policy requires that all members must use an Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) whenever firearms are not in direct control of the individual. ECI’s are available at the Club.

  • We encourage parents to remain at the Club with their juniors during all training.

  • A given Program evening will be cancelled in the event that an Environment Canada Storm Warning Advisory is issue.

  • For those members wishing to pursue a competitive focus, additional coaching will be offered throughout the year.If you have any further question, please email

CRPC Junior Team @ 2016 Alberta Air Gun Provincial Championships

CRPC Junior Team @ 2016 Alberta Air Gun Provincial Championships


Junior Gallery

2017 Canadian National Rifle Championships - 10m Air Rifle Women, Cookstown, OntarioSamantha Walstra

2017 Canadian National Rifle Championships - 10m Air Rifle Women, Cookstown, Ontario
Samantha Walstra

2016 FISU World University Championship, Bydgoszcz, PolandSebastian Robinson

2016 FISU World University Championship, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Sebastian Robinson

2015 Junior Cup, Suhl, GermanyAshley Pickert (AB), Veronika Schulze (AB - CRPC)

2015 Junior Cup, Suhl, Germany
Ashley Pickert (AB), Veronika Schulze (AB - CRPC)

2015 Canada Winter Games, Prince George, BCPeter Schulze (Gold, AP60 Team), Coach Arno Baron, Veronika Schulze (Gold - AP40 Team, Silver - AP40 Individual)

2015 Canada Winter Games, Prince George, BC
Peter Schulze (Gold, AP60 Team), Coach Arno Baron, Veronika Schulze (Gold - AP40 Team, Silver - AP40 Individual)

2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games, Nanjing, ChinaCoach Lubo Nikolov (PQ), Audrey-Anne Le Sieur (PQ), Peter Schulze (AB - CRPC)

2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games, Nanjing, China
Coach Lubo Nikolov (PQ), Audrey-Anne Le Sieur (PQ), Peter Schulze (AB - CRPC)

2014 ISSF Junior Cup, Suhl, GermanyPeter Schulze

2014 ISSF Junior Cup, Suhl, Germany
Peter Schulze

2011 Canada Winter Games, Halifax, NSCoach Arno Baron, Peter Schulze (Bronze - AP60 Team, Bronze - AP60 Individual)

2011 Canada Winter Games, Halifax, NS
Coach Arno Baron, Peter Schulze (Bronze - AP60 Team, Bronze - AP60 Individual)