Membership Renewals during COVID-19 Closure
Club Membership Renewals
during COVID-19 closure
Attention all CRPC club members
As of May 5th, 2020 - This is no longer applicable. Please read latest news update.
Bernie did a huge amount of work trying to find a way for us to implement Electronic Funds Transfer. Thank you, Bernie.
Each banking institution has their own set of procedures, NONE of them are compatible with anyone else, in short we could not find a way to make it work.
The City of Calgary has just advised us that we can open the office ONLY, NOT THE RANGE at this point, to allow us to conduct Club membership business ONLY.
We will open, the office in the club room, on the following two days, to allow members to renew their memberships.
Sunday AM (09:00 thru to 13:00)
Regular Sunday hours (the range will NOT be open)
Card transactions only NO CASH.
Wednesday PM (18:00 thru to 22:00)
Regular Wednesday hours (the range will NOT be open)
Card transactions only NO CASH.
Please try to keep the number of people in the office limited to no more than 4 people at a time.
Please keep your distance (2 meters min.), and please wash your hands upon entering the office.
The $50.00 reduction will be applied to anyone who's renewal date falls after March 1.
We are working with AHS health inspectors (as instructed by the City of Calgary) to get approval to open in a limited fashion, (just like we were prior to the City shutting everyone down).
Fingers toes etc. crossed, we hope to get approval some time in the next few weeks.
That's all for now
We will continue to keep you advised on developments as they occur.
-Your Executive